- Start on the Master. If the software is open, shut it down.
- Start the software back up and wait for it to load.
- Now, with both the Ctrl and Shift keys held down press and release the L key followed by the other two keys.
- You should get a message about corrected abandoned residents. Click OK.
- Save your project.
- From the RM Cloud select Advanced->Share Project using the RM Cloud.
- Select the device you need to restore
- Select Next.
- Wait for the process to complete, then click Finish.
- Now onto the Child, start Ranch Manager.
- From the RM Cloud select Perform Synch.
- Follow the on-screen prompts to restore the project.
- NOTE: On the mobile software be sure to leave Ranch Manager open while it is processing; otherwise the process will be interrupted and only a partial database will be received.
Mobile Software Crashes When Receiving Changes
< 1 min read
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