- Start Ranch Manager on the new computer.
- Attach your external drive.
- From the File menu select Restore a Backup.
- Navigate to your backup file and double click on it.
- Note: If a project with that name already exists, you will be prompted to confirm. Select Yes to continue.
- Your project will be restored. When the operation completes click OK.
- If you backed up your images, be sure to copy them back from the external drive to your hard drive.
- To re-link your images, from the Options menu select Manage Image Folders.
- If you did not use the Picture folder, use the little blank sheet of paper button to add a new folder.
- Navigate to the folder where your images are stored and select Choose or Open.
- Repeat as needed until all folders containing your images are setup.
How Do I Restore My Data from a Flash Drive
< 1 min read
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