Ranch Manager will only show animals that it deems as Managed in your herd lists. Animals that are entered for pedigree purposes, have been sold, or have died, will end up in the Unmanaged Animals view. There are a number of factors that determine where an animal is listed however, so here’s some common ones:
- First we need to locate the animal you entered that isn’t displaying in the correct list.
- From the Select View control select Animal Search.
- Enter the animal’s display name (a partial value is fine) in the search criteria at the top.
- Click the perform search button. It is the blank sheet of paper with the magnifying glass over it on the right side.
- All animal matching the search criteria will be listed.
- Double click on the animal.
- Examine the following values:
- Gender: Females are going to be listed in the Herd Dams view, while Males will be listed in the Herd Sires view. Steers, Wethers, Geldings, etc will be listed in the appropriate view based on the type of livestock being viewed. Update the value if it is entered incorrectly.
- Owner : By default only the owner you entered when starting the software for the first time is considered a Managed owner. All owners that are marked as Managed will have any animal that is owned by them treated as part of the herd. Multiple owners can be marked as Managed , but by default only one is set. If the owner for an animal is set to the correct owner, however you have not yet marked the animal as Managed yet, you can do so using the following steps:
- From the Select Module control, select Owners & Contacts.
- Select the owner from the list on the left.
- Check the Managed check box from the panel on the right.
- Save the owner.
- Now, all animals owned by this owner will be treated as part of the herd.
- Note: If you would like to exclude an animal from the herd, you can check its Not Managed check box to have it excluded.
- Birth Date: The age of the animal can determine where it will be displayed. In some modules (Cattle for instance) an animal will not display in the adult herd lists until it is considered an adult. Double check the date and make sure it was entered correctly.
- Raised: The raised check box determines if the animal should be listed in the offspring crop view for the selected module (e.g.: Calves, Lambs, Kids, Foals, etc). If a baby is missing from your list, check this box.
- Mark as Feeder: When this value is checked, the animal will not be listed with your main herd. Instead it will be listed in the Feeder Performance view. If you are not fattening the animal for sale, then uncheck this value.
- If you make any corrections be sure to save the animal (bottom-right) when done.