Follow the steps below to move your Ranch Manager installation to a new computer. Note if you are using the RM Cloud, these steps are applicable to your Master computer. If you are moving a Child device, simply install the software on the child device, re-register it, then share the project back to the device from the Master and Receive it there (see RM Cloud FAQ for more information).
- First create your backup:
- Attach your Flash/External Drive
- Start Ranch Manager
- From the File menu select Backup Project File.
- Navigate to the location on your external drive where you want to save the backup and select ” Choose ” or ” Open “
- Note: On Mac OS X, expand the “Volumes” folder located within the folder list to select an external drive.
- Click OK
- Note: If a backup with the same name already exists on that location you will be asked if you want to overwrite it. Click Yes to continue.
- You will get a message indicating that the backup was successful. Click OK.
- If you have images linked to your animals, be sure to copy them to your external drive also.
- Eject your external drive.
- Next install the software on the new computer. You can do that from the Download page here.
- Now you should be ready to restore your data.
- Start Ranch Manager on the new computer.
- When prompted enter your email address and click OK.
- Attach your external drive.
- Create a new project called “Temp” and click OK.
- From the File menu select Add/Remove Modules.
- Select all the modules you have been using and click OK.
- Restart Ranch Manager.
- From the File menu select Restore a Backup.
- Navigate to your backup file and double click on it.
- Note: If a project with that name already exists, you will be prompted to confirm. Select Yes to continue.
- Your project will be restored. When the operation completes click OK.
- If you backed up your images, be sure to copy them back from the external drive to your hard drive.
- To re-link your images, from the Options menu select Manage Image Folders.
- If you did not use the Picture folder, use the little blank sheet of paper button to add a new folder.
- Navigate to the folder where your images are stored and select Choose or Open.
- Repeat as needed until all folders containing your images are setup.